Bacon and Beer Round Up January 24 2016
- The bacon emoji is coming
- Here's a great practical and decorative beer scratch off chart so you can keep track of beers you've tried.
- Nobody wants to admit it, but we all have to know it's true. The moral of the story is, watch your beer instake if you're dieting.
Have you ever wondered what beer would taste like if you filtered it through a Brita first? It turns out, it (and everything else) tastes just like water.
Bud Light
Hexcup For Better Beer Pong
The creators promise quick reracking, no movement during games, and perfectly lined up edges on the traditional pyramid shape. The cups are durable, top shelf dishwasher safe, and reusable. They're about 1/3 of the way to their $50k Kickstarter goal with 23 days remaining. A $15 backing gets you one full set of Hexcups.
Read More…Beer Round Up January 10 2016
Interesting beer links from around the web for the start of 2016:
- PicoBrew, the Keurig/Sodastream for home brewed beer has been getting some attention at CES.
- Researchers have tasted the 125 year old beer found at the bottom of Halifax Harbor. Turns out it tastes like beer.
- MightySquirrel hits the market with protein enhanced beer. Soon enough, we'll have bars replacing the smoothie counter at our gyms.
- And finally, here is an interesting, quick read about how your beer vessel impacts taste.
Rising Popularity of Hard Root Beer

Having recently tried Small Town Brewery's Not Your Father's Root Beer, I understand the excitement. A delicious, nostalgic adult drink that tastes just like childhood. With the surging popularity and exponential growth in the hard soft drink segment, Anheuser-Busch even announced its own Best Damn Root Beer.
Now, Abita Brewery is getting in on the action with Bayou Bootlegger Hard Root Beer. The brilliance here is that Abita was already making non-alcoholic root beer in addition to their excellent beer. They're simply combining their expertise to put another adult root beer on the market. I'm very much looking forward to this one.
Read More…Spring is Coming

Er....I mean winter. Or I mean Season 6 of Game of Thrones. Or maybe that Ommegang Brewery has announced their newest ale celebrating the upcoming season of Game of Thrones, Seven Kingdoms Hoppy Wheat. It will be available in March to coincide with the premiere at the suggested retail price of $10.
Ommegang describes the ale as "...a hazy pale yellow with a thick cap of pure white foam. The aroma is floral, citrusy with a touch of passion fruit and a slightly herbal hop aroma underpinned with yeast notes of banana, ripe fruit, and spicy phenols. The taste is a full, round hop flavor with tart orange and lemon with a substantial wheat maltiness and the finish has slightly lingering hop notes without being harshly bitter. The mouthfeel is smooth and silken owing to the wheat and oats."
Read More…Bacon Scented Underwear

Interesting Stories From the Week of 121514
The most interesting bacon and beer stories of the week, according to me:
- The Atlantic's How to Stop Beer From Foaming: Hint, it involves science and magnets.
- Fast Company's Creative Beer: Again, science. The optimal BAC for creativity is .075%, so an ad agency made a beer and a bottle with a guide to help you get there.
- The Ho-Ho-Honut was invented: A Christmas dinner donut filled with sausage and onion gravy, dusted with turkey salt and a roasted potato crumb finished with smoked maple candied bacon and a cranberry glaze.
- Food and Wine's What It's Like to Drink Sriracha Beer: The summary, "Rogue Sriracha Hot Stout Beer, from its packaging on down, is an inspired and well-executed experiment."
Bacon Flavored Croutons
J&D's is at it again, this time with something slightly less controversial than Bacon Lube. Personally, Bacon Croutons are an unnecessary shortcut in the same class as Bacon Bits. If you really want bacon flavor in a salad, you just can't substitute the real thing.

Hoffy Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs Now Available
Move over street vendors, Hoffy is moving into your territory. There's something special about a danger dog, and it's a flavor that Hoffy is not going to be able to capture: digestive risk, street grime, and drunken munchies.

Two New FUN Bacon Products
Someone felt the world was devoid of bacon frosting and bacon lube and fixed that problem. Which one should I try first?