Jones Bacon Soda Reaction Montage
Most of Jones limited edition sodas sound like drinkable versions of my favorite sweet treats, but over the years they have introduced a handful of savory flavors. This year, Jones released a limited edition bacon soda for the holidays. I didn't have high expectations and beyond taking a couple of sips I really didn't think it was all that drinkable. Rather than rely solely on my opinion, I filmed the reactions of a bunch of other people. The results were a resounding "yuck". Read more to see the video.

The Jones bacon soda comes in the standard Jones bottle. The label for this one has a young boy with a pig nose. It's a very deep red color and the smell is almost vomit inducing. It does not smell like delicious bacon. Unfortunately, the taste isn't much of an improvement over the smell. It closely resembles the faux bacon flavor you'd get from bacon salt or baconnaise; the smokey taste that suggests bacon but doesn't actually taste like it.