I Thought I Would Love Bacon Jerky
I can’t bring myself to eat another piece of bacon jerky, and I’m disappointed to say that I don’t mean that in a positive way. Bacon jerky as a concept is right on so many levels – it’s bacon and it’s jerky. But for all it has going for it in name alone, I just cannot imagine indulging in a second piece.
A few weeks ago, a heavenly chorus sang the virtues of baconfreak.com, where I discovered the option to buy not one, but five different kinds of bacon jerky. I promptly ordered the sampler pack of all five flavors, and it came almost as quickly as I ordered it. Cheers to baconfreak.com!
I tore open the Honey BBQ Rubbed pack and had my first (and last piece). There are a few things that can be said of opening a pack of bacon jerky – first, the contents were incredibly moist and second, the smell of bacon is overwhelming and pretty incredible. The moisture is due more in part to the seasoning than the bacon itself, although there’s a big of some bacon grease magic in there as well. The smell really speaks for itself. It could brighten up a room. Perhaps Lysol will bless us with a similar scent in the near future. I don’t recall how many pieces were in a pack, but I want to say that each pack had 8-10 slices. They’re much smaller than the bacon you’d get raw at the supermarket or the type you’d get at a diner that has already been cooked.
The bad news is, I didn’t care for this bacon at all. The flavor was good, but fatty bacon was not meant to be cured and dehydrated. I could not get past the texture or the consistency of the fat, hence my inability to eat more than a single piece. It’s unfortunate, I really did want to try the other flavors, but the fat is going to prevent me from even enjoying another piece of it.
I, on the other hand, quite enjoyed it. If you are not fixated on texture I suspect you would enjoy it as much as I did.

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